Income Choices

We put the power of choice in your hands by enabling you to decide how much income you need, when you would like your income to begin, which features you want to include, as well as your preferred income provider.

When Do You Want Your Income to Begin?

We recognize that no single annuity product can meet everyone's needs. Whether you are still in the planning process, or ready to begin income immediately, our platform puts the information you need to compare features and pricing of lifetime income products at your fingertips.

I want income to start now

Create a steady monthly income stream that can start immediately

I want income to start later

Plan ahead to ensure income for yourself or you and a spouse, starting at a date of your choosing

I want my money to keep growing

You can accumulate additional money for retirement at a fixed rate each year

Our Value Proposition

Individuals with access to Income Solutions® have the benefit of low-cost, objective pricing and a program that delivers the following key components:


Since inception of the program, all fees associated with each annuity purchase have been fully disclosed.

Low-Cost Pricing

Access to institutional rates that are typically only available to large groups or organizations.


Multiple highly rated insurance companies compete on each quote, ensuring a competitive market price.

Standardized Quotes

Quote responses are displayed in a single grid, allowing simple and straightforward apples-to-apples comparison across all providers.

Objective Guidance

Access to fully licensed, non-commissioned annuity specialists to answer your questions.


You decide the amount of income you need, when you purchase, and which features you include.