Lifetime Income Annuity Marketplace

We put the tools you need to compare features and pricing of lifetime income annuities at your fingertips.

What makes Income Solutions® Unique:

Income Solutions® is the only low-cost, automated delivery system for lifetime income quotes using a multi-issuer platform. If you are looking to create an income stream, supplement your income in retirement, or learn more about how annuities might fit into your financial planning, this program provides the tools you need to do so. If you are still working and saving for retirement, this program can be used as an educational resource for those who are not ready for supplemental income, but are looking to learn more about their options in order to be better prepared for retirement.


How Can Income Solutions® Benefit Me?

In addition to our educational resources and licensed help desk, Income Solutions® provides you the following benefits:


Customize an annuity to fit your specific income needs and personal financial goals


Monthly income payments are fixed and will not go up or down with the market


Access to rates that are typically only available to large groups or organizations


Research and request annuity quotes from multiple well-known insurance companies

About Us

Income Solutions® is a lifetime income annuity marketplace with simple, streamlined tools that can help you turn your savings into a paycheck for life. You can compare features on low-cost, competitively bid annuity products from multiple top-rated insurance companies, and choose the income annuity best suited to your personal financial needs.