The Income Solutions® platform offers a wide range of options to enable you to customize an annuity to meet your personal financial needs.
Review the details of the various income annuities available through Income Solutions® and determine which option may work best for you.
Immediate Income Annuity |
Deferred Income Annuity |
Deferred Income Annuity QLAC* |
Longevity Insurance |
Longevity Insurance QLAC* |
Income Start Date |
Pre-Tax Retirement Assets Accepted (Qualified; e.g. 401(k), 403(b), 457, or IRA account) |
After-Tax Retirement Assets Accepted (Non-Qualified; e.g. checking, or savings account) |
Return of Premium Before Income Start Date |
Death Benefit After Income Start Date |
Annuity Types Offered |
*QLAC's available through the Income Solutions® platform will be offered as an IRA, out of plan lifetime income option.
In addition to deciding when you would like your income to begin, you can also customize your annuity by choosing from the following annuity types.
A Joint option is not available with a Fixed Period Only annuity.